Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Trifolium (L) With three leaflets.
Sylvaticum (L) Wild, of woods or forests, sylvan.
General description:- Annual, softly grey-hairy.
1) 10-20 cm, sparingly branched from the base, softly patent-pilose throughout.
1) Leaflets, sessile, obovate, obscurely denticulate at the apex.
2) Stipules, herbaceous, free part ovate, subobtuse.
1) Flower heads, terminal, usually solitary, pedunculate, dense, narrowly ovoid at
anthesis, becoming shortly cylindrical.
2) Calyx tube, cylindrical, 10-ribbed.
a) teeth, subulate, ciliate, unequal, the lowest a little longer than the tube.
3) Fruiting calyx, urceolate, with a pale brownish pubescence.
4) Corolla, 7-8 mm, pale pink, equalling or exceeding the calyx.
Key features:-
1) Corolla, equalling or exceeding the calyx.
2) Stipules, ovate, at least at the apex, entire or obscurely dentate or angled.
3) Calyx-tube, ovoid or globose.
4) Calyx-teeth, unequal, the 4 upper ones shorter than the tube, all with long patent
Habitat:- Damp meadows, deciduous oak scrub occasionally in dry open shrubby
vegetation and field margins, 0~800(-1300) m, mainly on noncalcareous substrates.
Distribution:- Scattered on mainland Greece, especially in the NE. - widedespread
in C & S Europe and SW Asia to N Iraq. Rare on Crete, currently known from only
one location in the Dikti massif.
Flowering time:- Late April to June
Photos by:- A. N. Other